Peek: An Animated GIF Recorder

No cover image today, because it's all about animated GIF tool :)

Just like my previous post about Flameshot, this time I want to share another tool that I use often when developing software. The name is Peek. I use it to record my screen and save it as a GIF, quickly.

Why do I need GIFs?

Because it's simple and supported on some platforms that don't support video. For example, GitHub Markdown. It's very quick to launch Peek, set the area, start recording, then drag-and-drop it on your Pull Request, Issue, or ReadMe page. No need to upload it somewhere else, then link it.

I can even put a GIF on this post easily, just drag and drop, see below. I love GIFs.

Peek recording itself

You can also save it as WebM or MP4, but I never use it :)

And of course, it's free and open source.

If you haven't used it and have the same needs, I suggest you try it. It saves a lot of time! This post is my effort to spread the word so that more people can get the benefit.