QGIS Loves OpenStreetMap

QGIS Loves OpenStreetMap

A few days ago, I represented QGIS ID (Indonesian QGIS User Group) to present QGIS and its relation with OpenStreetMap (OSM) at the OSM GeoWeek 2022 in Indonesia. Here are some points from my presentation:

  1. Loading OSM data directly onto QGIS

  2. Adding OSM base layer directly from QGIS Browser

  3. Integrated Geocoding with Nominatim

  4. More OSM-based layers with QuickMapServices Plugin

  5. Add OSM-based Vector Tiles with MapTiler Plugin

  6. Download OSM data easily with QuickOSM Plugin

  7. Routing engine with OSM data with ORS Tools or Valhalla Plugin

I also share how creative people with QGIS and OSM data on the #30DayMapChallange on Twitter. Check it out on the link, since I can't upload the gif for more than 5MB here :)

You can get the full presentation here.

A side story, there is a quiz at the end of the event, and I got first place :). Of course, I passed the prize to the next winner.

PS: The presentation is inspired mainly by Etienne's presentation. He is the developer of the QuickOSM Plugin.